Day 6: Making room for more
Can you feel the #MoneyLove momentum building? It’s Day 6, and it’s time to make room for more.
Step one:
It’s clean out your wallet and/or purse day! Your purse and wallet are your daily money receptacles. To attract more abundance you’ve got to create a soothing, decluttered container for it. That means streamlining your purse and wallet.
First, take a before picture of your wallet. Next, take everything out. Put receipts where they need to go to be filed if you need to track them for business or reimbursements. (If you don’t, recycle them!) Go through your loyalty cards and throw out any you don’t use anymore. Enter the ones you do use regularly into an app on your smartphone like Cardstar.
Look through your credit and debit cards. Only put the ones you use on a regular basis back into your wallet.
If your wallet is weighed down by a ton of change, transfer it into a beautiful container in your home. When you fill the container, take it to the bank and put the cash into savings or put it towards an upcoming vacation.
Take your cash and line it up so it’s all facing the same direction in value order. Make sure the edges aren’t folded over and it’s not shoved in. Place it back in your wallet lovingly and with respect.
Remove anything else that’s unnecessary and toss it or put it somewhere in your home that makes sense.
If your wallet is really old and beaten up, consider purchasing a new one. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does need to make you feel prosperous.
You use your wallet nearly every time you deal with money. It’s an affirmation of your abundance. It should reflect abundance!
Step two:
Share the love! Take an after picture of your beautiful de-cluttered wallet. Post your before and after pictures on social media with the #MoneyLoveChallenge hashtag. You’ll inspire those around you to create a beautiful, welcoming container for their money, too!
Now you’re truly ready to receive the abundance that’s on its way to you!
xo, Kate