Day 17: Pin your way to prosperity!

I’m pretty sure Pinterest was invented so that we could create digital vision boards (that and for wedding planning). 🙂

Today’s challenge is about using this incredibly inspiring visual social media platform to attract prosperity.

Step One:

Login to Pinterest and create a #MoneyLove board. Do a quick search for images that make you feel prosperous when you look at them.

You could pin images of beautiful houses, sumptuous clothing, gorgeous outdoor landscapes, art that makes you swoon, or delicious, abundant-looking meals.
Whatever sparks your fancy - this is your #MoneyLove board!

Keep adding images to it over time and be sure to scroll through every week or two to etch the abundance images into your subconscious. The more we surround ourselves with imagery that makes us feel abundant, the more abundance we’ll create without even meaning to!

Step Two:

Share the love! Share your #MoneyLove board with us on the online community and also via social media. Let’s get a #MoneyLove Pinterest movement going! Be sure you use the #MoneyLoveChallenge hashtag when you share.

Have fun pinning for prosperity!


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