Day 12: Know where you’re keeping it

One of the crucial steps for creating more abundance is having a safe, strong container for it. When money knows it has a safe container, it has no problem flowing in your direction.

Step one:

Make a list of all of your accounts. Make sure to include all bank accounts, investment accounts, loans, and credit card accounts. Even if you don’t use one of your credit cards, be sure to include it on the list. Make sure you include all accounts that you share with someone else as well. If it’s tied to your name and social security number (or whatever number you use in your country) then it goes on the list.

(If you feel resistant to doing this, that’s a sign that you really need to do it. Put on a fun song, light a candle, and just make the list!)

Want extra credit? List the balances of each account next to it on the list. If you are carrying a balance on a credit card or have student loans, be sure to include those balances as well.

My friend and mentor Barbara Stanny says that clarity is power. Knowing where you stand financially is one of the most powerful, loving things you can do for yourself.

Step two:

Let us know how doing this felt in the online community. If you want to share publicly, use the #MoneyLoveChallenge hashtag. You might inspire others within your community to find clarity, too!

Here’s to your clarity,

Go Back To Day 11!